Literary Magazine
Our Mission
They say we are living in the age of the Cyborg -- a machine man who is less of the latter as the former overrides him. They say we are hooked into the machine, enslaved by the very things we created to serve us. They say we may be the last child in the woods, the last generation to meaningfully engage with nature, And they are right. We spend most of our working hours engaged with some form of media: our headphones drown out the deafening silence of the natural world, as screens frame our view of our every perception. We live disconnectedly, interruptedly, meaninglessly.
So we extend an invitation to unplug. Yes, to unplug your devices that keep you glued to them, and to unplug yourself from forms of media that have become reflexive and reactionary. We invite you to plug in-- to something else, to something higher. Plug into nature; if not for its value, then as an avenue to ourselves. Plug into nature as a hyperlink to the soul. Plug into nature to escape the artificial landscape and wander off into the meadows of the self.
Submit work that echoes the sentiments of the theme: "Unplugged"
Deadline for all submissions: December 2nd
*Hours will only be given for one submission per section. If you do multiple submissions in the same section, then you would only receive the hours for the first submission. If you were to do multiple submissions in different sections, then you would receive the service hours for the first submission in each section.